Saturday, 22 June 2013

Merrydale, clearing for the Dartmouth Shoot.

Remy wearing fetching midge-net hat. And Harvey, who looks a bit like half a dog in this picture..
So today we went to Merrydale, a sight planted by us over a number of years. Our task today was to clear brambles, at the request of the Dartmouth Shoot. We were: myself, Philip, Geoff, Remy, Duncan, and Harvey the dog. It was a bit humid, a bit thorny, and a bit midgy, but we spent a productive morning cutting brambles out and formatively pruning some of the trees. Cake was chocolate. And a good time was had by all. Even Harvey the dog, who nicked Geoff's bit of cake while Geoff was talking.

Philip rehydrating, cleared understorey in background
Geoff and Philip hard at it.

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Poly-tunnel palaver

Guy, unravelling.
Philip and Remy do interpretive dance in the Society's new performance space.
Today we re-covered the Nursery poly-tunnel. We spent a previous Saturday clearing the frame, and digging trenches. Dave and Ben had done more work on weekdays too. We were; Guy, Mandy, Philip, Ben, myself and Remy. We started by doing a little more remedial work on the trenches, and the land drain on one side. We had to apply insulating tape to the frame to stop the metal framework getting hot and weakening the polythene. Then we had a comedy half hour trying to decide how to unwrap, unroll, and handle the huge and unwieldy polythene sheet. When we had got this worked out we draped the sheet over the frame, and began anchoring the sides under hardcore in the trenches. Plus also we had to pin the sheet to the door frames at each end.  3 hours work in the sunshine, followed by a drink at the pub. And homemade oak cookies.

The more or less finished item.