Saturday, 22 February 2025

Dig a pony (or donkey)

Enjoying the view.

This week to Pymroyd to begin tree planting on this site.

We were 21, comprising; Sam, Ptol, Jon, Tess, Paul, Alfie, Ben, Cath, myself, Geoff, Sophie, Philip B., Philip H., Peter, Alastair, Dave, Steve, Dan, Matthew, Jim and Chayley.

390 trees and shrubs got planted, in good time.

The damned donkeys were watching us.

Saturday, 15 February 2025

I've got a feeling

Ali waved to us from far away, and took this photo.

Back to Meal Hill for a last (?) push. We were; myself, Philip B., Philip H., Dianne, Alastair, Dan, Jim, Jess, Geoff, Dave, Chayley, Ben, and Hap. 

500 more plants got put in. It took a lot of work though.

And just because I'm on a Beatles rooftop jag at the mo.

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Helpers, appropriately dressed.

Another team session managing woodland in Linthwaite.

Led by Philip B., and including Stephen, Paul, Alfie, Hap, Dan, Davy, Chayley, and Andreas.

Stephen, anchoring winch

To Slaithwaite Gate, to plant a mixed hedgerow in a very wet and muddy field. We planted 150 hawthorn, 45 dog rose, and 100 guelder rose.

We were myself, Geoff, Tanya, Dianne, Jim, Matthew, Philip H., and Jon - joined at the end by Dave, Chayley and Andreas.

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Something's gone wrong again

On Pule Hill, replacing failed trees for the National Trust.

Based on my previous visit to the site, and discussions I had with National Trust,  we were supposed to be working in a particular area, but contractors beat us to it, and we ended up having to work across hundreds of metres of hillside to try and find the few failed trees that remained. Between us we managed to replant about 360 trees. But it took a long time.

Not my favourite morning.

We were: myself, Philip B., Dave, Dave's german friend, Geoff, Jon, Tess, Paul, Alfie, Cath, Peter, Alastair, Paul, Tanya, Jim, Stephen, Dan, and Matthew.