Saturday, 14 January 2012

Proper frosty bright and sunny today. Good weather for a morning out, and plenty of folk turned out. We were: myself, Philip, Duncan, Stephen, Peter, Neil, Damian, Rowan, Cath, Pierre-Alexandre, Claudine, Edouard, Maxime, Brian, John, Trevor, Peter, Diane and Ben. Cake was a delicious chocolate sponge. We planted 90 Oak, 135 Ash and 45 Rowan. We left 30 Bird Cherry healed in on site, with approx 40 stakes next to them . There are approx 45 trees left healed in at the bottom of Baker Lane.Sundry stakes and guards scattered around the site. Will upload photos later.

We were saddened to hear of the death of Granville Shaw this week. Granville had been a dedicated member of the Society for many years and he is remembered fondly. We took a moment mid morning to think of him, and a (non-alcoholic) toast.