Saturday, 27 August 2016

Nature boy

Its always a shame to split up the workforce, as a large part of the reason to be there on a Saturday morning is the social aspect, but, sometimes there are things that need doing.

So this morning we had a nursery party, myself, Dianne, Peter W., Ben and Solo the dog. And an out and about party, Philip, Geoff and Steve.

The nursery party cleared paths and covered up allotment beds with landscape fabric (donated by Duncan). This gives us access and space for storage of the Winter planting stock.

Philip and Geoff visited a prospective site at Bolster Moor, and then joined forces with Steve at Wholestone Moor to weed, straighten guards, and perform general aftercare duties. The trees are doing well. Some of the more recently planted nurse species are doing their job of growing quickly. The oak are growing, all but slowly.

Messing about in the shrubbery.