Those trees don't "spring up" by themselves. |
Poet laureate Simon Armitage had an article in the Guardian today, in which he said:
"The moors themselves are greener and trees have sprung up even beyond the recognised "tree line" - a consequence of climate change and reductions in chimney smoke and soot".
That sentence appeared in the online version, but was mysteriously absent from the print version of the article.
In any case, while this was being read with the morning croissants, the good folk of Colne Valley Tree Society were out planting 105 hawthorn and 70 oak, aspen and rowan in a shelter belt a the top end of Marsen golf course. Given that he is a Marsden lad, and attended Colne Valley High School, where a number of teachers were members of the Society, and pupils were often roped in to do tree planting, it is a bit of a stretch to believe that the doesn't know we exist, or that he doesn't know that the Society has planted more than 350,000 trees and shrubs in the valley since 1964. Maybe we just don't fit with his mythology.
So the not at all mythological volunteers were: myself, Philip, Dave, Geoff, Adrian, Hap, Richard, Ian, Alison, Paul, Steve, Stephen, Remy, Jon, Bob, Ben, Dianne, Jess and Lee.
Dianne found a plastic frog while digging, so this week's tune is....
Still life with cat skull and plastic frog, and Hap in the middle. |