Saturday 31 August 2024



I was unavailable this week, but some stalwart souls were at Butterley collecting old tree guards for re-use or disposal. These people included, Matthew, Geoff, Tanya, Dave, Philip H., Dianne, Jess, Paul and Dan.

Saturday 24 August 2024


 Second week above Marsden, no alarms and no surprises, just lots of old plastic tubes removed, and few straightened. We were; myself, Jim, Catherine, Tanya, Geoff, Paul, Hap, Philip H, Dianne, and Dan.

Saturday 17 August 2024

Tee se itse

Up above Marsden today removing old tree guards and tidying those that still need to be on. We were; myself, Geoff, Philip H., Philip B., Jess, Dianne, Paul, Jim, Ben, Dan, and Steve.

Saturday 10 August 2024

Say goodbye

Why do women carry things on their heads?

Our final day at Wholestone. We were; Ben, Geoff, Dave, Hap, Dan, Jess, Dianne, Tanya, and myself. Dave brought cheese, cake and whisky.

We celebrate finishing

Saturday 3 August 2024

Back at Wholestone for more guard removal. We were; Geoff, Steve,Dave, Jess, Dianne, Jim, Cath, Dan, Philip H., Ben, and myself.