Saturday, 30 November 2024

Live wire

Philip briefs the group about the live wires.

This week were in HD4! Outside of our literal comfort zone, but working with Kirklees on this project.

We planted 45 birch, 30 hawthorn, 20 blackthorn, 45 rowan, 60 hazel, 45 oak, and 5 elder. 250 total.

We were; myself, Philip B., Ben, Stephen, Alastair, Matthew, Geoff, Dave, Jon, Tess, Sam, Ptol, Cath, Jess, Philip H., Dan, and Hap.

This is so great!

Saturday, 23 November 2024

Harder than the rest


Philip and Jess
In a fit of unquestionable bloodymindedness we planted 481 hedge plants this morning. In truly atrocious weather. We were all wet cold and tired by the end, and there moments of mild temper frayedness. But also triumph! We are truly "harder than the rest".

We were; myself, Philip, Jess, Dianne, Peter, Ben, Geoff, Dan, Dave, Stephen and Matthew.

Saturday, 16 November 2024

Girls on film

Dan and Philip in the weeds

First day of planting of the season, and it was a day of proper old school tree planting at Rochdale Road, above Slawit. 

We were: Dave, Geoff, Peter, Hap, Stephen, Alastair, Dan, Jess, Dianne, Tanya, Sam, Tol, and Matthew. I was there very briefly, but had a family gathering to attend.

45 eared willow, 105 downy birch, and 100 sessile oak were planted.

Geoff and his monstrous rig.

Geoff did some filming for a training video. So cue some nostalgia.

Girls on film (was going to use the original video, but it looked a bit dodgy to modern eyes)