Saturday, 12 December 2009

Winter Hill, Hemplow and Wholestone moor

Brian graciously accepting tea from the landowner.

Bit of a three-for-one deal this morning, with people headed off in all directions. Dave and Neil transported materials off to our next big site. Guy, Duncan and Heidi went back to Hemplow/Butterley. Myself, Philip, Geoff, Brian, Peter and Trevor went to Winter Hill and planted 90 trees in a small field there. Owner was very nice and brought us tea on a tray. Our cake was jam buns, as pictured. V.good. An excellent morning, the weather was passable, and later worked itself up into a lovely sunny winter's day. And the Sair has started serving its own beer again! Turned out nice again.

Trevor striding purposefully past his work.

Oh, and Neil pointed out that the blog had had some unsavory content added via the comment section. Don't panic, I have blocked the offending material. It actually was pretty mild pictures of a scantily clad young Chinese woman, and all the text appeared to be in Chinese too. We must have followers in that part of the world.
Heidi, Guy, Neil and Dave at Butterley

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Hemplow Wood week 3

Cath, Me (Simon) and fruit cake.The pool behind me is known as the swimming pool, though I wouldn't want to.

Here we are again at Hemplow Wood, nearly done, just some tidying up to do next week. 250 trees added to this bit of Butterley Clough, and 150 Holly and Hawthorn to go further round overlooking the reservoir. Nice classic (appropriate use of the word) fruit cake this morning.

Trevor, Cath, Neil (waving) and Dan.

Saturday, 28 November 2009

Hemplow Wood week 2

Ooh it looked horrible when we woke up this morning, sleeting. But that stopped and it turned out quite nice. Up to Hemplow Wood again. Dave and I were elsewhere ferrying planting materials around in car and trailer, but Cath, Geoff, Duncan, Neil and Diane did sterling work. Thanks to Duncan for the pictures. Cake was Carrot, though my mum seemed to have chucked a lot of other stuff in there as well...

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Hemplow Wood

First day of actual real planting of the season, and we are at Hemplow Wood, next to Butterley Reservoir. Its a long walk from the nearest parking, and we had to carry all the kit over there. So it was a late start actually digging, and we got 50 trees planted. Lovely spot though, if a bit steep and rocky. First gratuitous cake picture of the year, fresh buttered scones.