Thursday, 9 February 2017

3 is a magic number

This morning myself, Hap and Stephen returned to Coach house Marsden. We finished the hedge, moved some mis-placed trees, and beat up phase one with 30 more trees. Job done.

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Go your own way

The A team - Ben, Ros, Yogi, Tanya.

Two groups going their own way today.

I was at Scout, with Yogi, Tanya, Ros, and Ben and Solo the dog. We put the finishing touches to some hedging and a handful of trees, and we can now say this site is well and truly planted.

Meanwhile, at Parkwood, were: Philip, Dave, Geoff, John, Adrian, Steve, Stephen, Jess, Lee, Richard and Hap. They made a substantial start to the substantial number of trees that are planned.

The B team - so called cos they clearly B messin' about.

Saturday, 28 January 2017

Soup song

The only photo. Myself and Geoff in the Sair afterwards.
Well, madness it was. We went high up above Marsden on the A62 and planted some trees and some hedging. In cold driving wind and rain. We were: myself, John, Hap, Stephen K., Susan, Geoff, Philip, Adrian, Robert, Jess, Ben and Solo the dog, Tracy and Maia.

Tracy and Maia provided us with tasty hot soup, and a buffet of cakes, all served up in a tiny greenhouse.

Despite this loveliness, the morning might be remembered as a bewildering slog in very adverse circumstances. Still, getting clean and warm again fixed it.

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Cold, cold ground

Stephen, very small, or far away?

Definitely the coldest morning so far this season, frost, and a bitter breeze. Myself, Hap, Stephen and Tanya popped up to Scout and stuck in another 100+ hedge plants. Perminder had very kindly made lemon drizzle cake for us, and it was very nice indeed.