Saturday, 24 March 2018

Can't stop

So, really was the last day of the Season today, next weekend being Easter 'n all.

This morning we were on last go round, and spread across the valley trying to finish various bits and bobs.

Steve, Peter, Adrian, Diane, Ben and new boy Dick were at Butterley. Some dispute over how many trees taken but it was quite a few- 160 maybe- and despite a heroically late clock-off, they returned with around 20. All infilling, there was no need to go into the triangle bit. Diane took some photos. Steve says he seemed to end up in charge by default and nearly cracked under the responsibility. There were accusations that he was making a covert attempt to take over from myself & Philip.

I was in Ing Head in Marsden on my own, planting 5 Holly, 15 Bird Cherry and 12 Crab apple. At one point I was harrassed by some sheep + farmer and sheep dog. No wonder some of the trees in that field are struggling.

Philip and Stephen O. were at Fieldhouse planting 30 Crab Apple, some will be visible (on a clear day) from the Sair.

Dave, Stephen K. and John were chainsawing a logging back at the Nursery.

So we traditionally take a break of a week or three now. But people just love this stuff so much there may well still be little groups doing this and that now and then.

Saturday, 17 March 2018

Six pack

Myself and the President were away in that London this weekend, and weather was not good so there were just six hardy souls. Philip says they planted 90 trees at the Butterley Hill Top slope. The full pack of six comprised: Philip, Geoff, Cath, Stephen, Dave and Steve.

A Reed Bunting was spotted!

Saturday, 10 March 2018

The Fog

Steve,Stephen, Peter and John

As we stagger towards the end of the planting season we were again in two teams.

Myself, Steve, Stephen, Peter and John were at White Hall Barn planting 60 Hazel and 15 Willow.

Philip, Dave, Adrian, Sue, Ben, Jess and Geoff were at Butterley planting 75 Birch 25 Oak, and 50 Rowan.

Cake was Eccles, and a wierd mist rolled in off the reservoir late in the morning.

The Fog

Saturday, 3 March 2018

Footprints in the snow

Another split day.

Some of us were playing in the snow at Upper Clough, planting 50 Oak, 50 Rowan and 50 Birch. We were: myself, Philip, Jess, Lee, Hap, Cath, Dave, Tanya and Stephen.

Others stayed at the nursery and cut and split logs. They were: Geoff, Ben, Adrian and Sue. They also found time to make art with found objects? This one is apparently entitled "Hungry owl".

Later it was our Winter meal out, organised by Jess. Good food, a lot of fun, and quite a few drinks.