Sunday, 13 May 2018

Take me to the river

Philip bottom right, in Carr Clough, previous planting shows top left.

Today there was a work party, and a research party.

Philip and I sat and looked at maps of all the sites planned so far, then walked up the length of Carr Clough, to work out whether and where we could plant there. Of course it looked very lovely, and viable, in the sunshine.

Dave, Hap, Stephen, Geoff and Ben were back down at the Butterley Reservoir end of things, removing stakes and guards from old planting there.

Ben, Hap, Dave and Stephen, with their bags of swag.

Saturday, 28 April 2018

Today we were at Marsden golf course removing more old guards. We were: myself, Dave, Hap, Geoff and Ben. Cake was chocolate. Weather was passable. Dave and Hap then took lots of old guards to the tip, and retreived some more archery bosses from Meltham.

Saturday, 14 April 2018

Dave worked on the stinking morass AKA attempt to create drainage out of old tree guards,while Adrian,Susan and Geoff did sterling work carrying old guards across the links to the road side. About 16 bagful's removed. 

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Clean up woman

This Saturday our tidying up activities were below Marsden golf course. Planted in 2003, there were still lots of tree guards strapped round the bottom of grown trees. So myself, Dave, Peter, Jess, Geoff, Steve, and Adrian applied ourselves to the task. Some of the old guards were used to try and stabilise a sodden path. Cake was ginger, it rained some though not all of the time. And we found a lot of golf balls, which, in a random act of kindness we gave to some golfers.