Saturday, 19 March 2022

Hard times

Very occasionally trees don't thrive on a site. On this particular patch at Scammonden this was due to ash die-back disease, and an unknown problem with a batch of alder trees. So we spent today inter-planting oaks and aspen amongst the dead and dying.

We were: Geoff, Dave, Philip, Richard, Adrian, Matthew, Jess, Kayleigh, Stephen, Steve, and myself.

I think we planted 50 aspen and 175 sessile oak?

Hard times to be positive. But we do what we can. Some, like Adrian, go that bit further (literally).

Saturday, 12 March 2022

More than enough

It was a nice sunny morning and quite warm today as we planted 240 trees (150 sessile oak, 60 hazel, and 15 each of birch and rowan), on the south-west side of Scammonden, to 'beat up' (replace) lots of ash we planted quite some years back that have now all succumbed to die-back. Though steepish, it was quite easy planting with soft soil making screefing and staking a breeze. There was a hold-up at the start as a car got stuck in the muddy verge which we could not budge but Jess's Dad responded to her call to save the day with his van and tow-rope. A bit more to do here next time plus a similar job higher up the hillside to replace lots of red alder (not planted by us) that died quite suddenly and somewhat mysteriously after about 15 years.

We were: Geoff, Dave, Hap, Peter, Tanya, Jess, Richard, Philip, Michael, Steve G, Joanna and small dog. Photos by Tanya and Geoff.

Monday, 7 March 2022

Прекратить войну!


Last day at this particular spot at Scammonden. We were: myself, Jess, Lee, Philip + friend and dog, Geoff, Dave, Richard, Jon and Tessie, Julia, and Steve.

We planted 100 Sessile oak, 50 Aspen and 25 Rowan - next to an existing stand of Birches.

I probably shouldn't have been there, as I was in the beginnings of covid. And now feel quite rough. Still it was outdoors, and I stayed away from everyone. Not a big deal in the current grand scheme?!

Saturday, 26 February 2022

Sweet and dandy

Geoff, Richard, Dave and Tanya

After a season of Saturdays have that tested our endurance and forbearance, we finally got a vaguely sunny day.

We were: myself, Geoff, Dave, Hap, Tanya, Kayleigh, Richard, and Stephen.

With this hand picked team we planted 89 sessile oak, 39 rowan, and 47 downy birch. An admirable total of 175 trees,

And it has to be a joyful tune to reflect the day, so...

(clip from the Harder they come, recorded in Leslie Kong's studio, I presume that's him on the desk)

Our sense of fun was a bit undermined by world events, but hey.