Saturday 22 June 2024


Paul, Philip, Julio, Marilene.

This week we were up Wessenden doing a bit of bracken bashing and tidying. 

We were: myself, Geoff, Philip, Steve, Jim, Jess, Lauren, Dave, and Tanya.

Also joined by Marilene and Julio, taking photographs.

Cake was lemon drizzle.

Thursday 20 June 2024

Diamond dogs

This morning I went and sprayed all the hedge lines we planted on Old Mount Road. I had to negotiate three of the biggest alsation dogs ever. They were all super friendly, but flippin huge.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Cow cow boogie

Back to Meal Hill Lane for more hedge weeding.

We were; myself, Geoff, Dave, Jess, Dianne, Jim, and Peter.

A herd of brown bullocks found our work fascinating.

Saturday 8 June 2024

More (hedge) than I can stand

Steve battling valiantly

 At Meal Hill Lane in Slaithwaite. Weeding a long, long, hedge.

We were; myself, Geoff, Dave, Peter, Philip B., Steve, and Philip H.