Saturday 13 November 2010

One day our trees will come!

Another Saturday spent doing necessary ground works at the nursery. Dave continued creating a border for the slabs, with Dan's and Neil's help. Cath and I dug more drainage channels, which was kind of fun for a while watching the water pouring away. Then we sorted the broken flags into matching pairs. Guy moved woodchip around. Philip was at Fieldhouse with Duncan and Scouts for the first half, dealing with brushwood and felled timber. He then joined us for cake and some more digging at the nursery. Tree delivery should be this week and hopefully we can go to Fieldhouse and actually plant some trees next Saturday.

Saturday 6 November 2010

Dig for victory!

More nursery work, and no pictures because it was too muddy to get the camera out. Worked on creating an edge to the hard standing area, and digging a drainage ditch to take water away. Very very hard muddy work. One day soon it will all be over and we can plant some trees. When they arrive that is.

Sunday 31 October 2010

Acorns! Acorns!

In an ongoing effort to cut costs and be more sustainable, I have planted 360 plus acorns, all gathered in the Lake District this week. Half of them were already rooting. The main danger now is that mice will get them, I lost half those I planted last year to mice. For this reason they will be kept above ground level until growing. The root trainer trays have been in the Society's possession for some years, but haven't been used, and the compost to fill them came from expired tomato grow-bags on local allotments. So there were no costs at all. If they all grow then this will save the Society £190.

Saturday 30 October 2010

Nursery work

The start of tree planting is still a couple of weeks away, when we can get all our financial ducks in a row, and get trees delivered. In the meantime we have been doing essential work at the Nursery.

We spent the morning moving vast amounts of wood chippings created by the contractors who cleared the site for fencing. Also we acquired a large number of big, heavy, slightly broken paving slabs from the local cricket club -these will be used to create an area of hard standing for us to work on and store materials on. And we began to clear and level off the area for that hard standing.

All very, very, hard work. But very gratifying in its way (I hope I still think that when I am aching tomorrow morning)

Should Heidi be forbidden from wearing that t-shirt again though? Sober environmental types us.