Saturday 16 August 2014

Weeding and wood chippings

Under Dave's supervision we spent the morning at the nursery, weeding the large bed in front of the shipping container, and then distributing wood chippings that were being donated by a tree surgery crew who were working just up the road. We were myself, Dave, Philip, Steve, Ben, Remy and Guy. After all that, and quite a few extra work by Dave it looks quite smart. Cake was chocolate.

Saturday 12 July 2014

Wholestone Moor

This morning Duncan, Harvey the dog, Brian and Peter went up to Wholestone Moor to carry on guarding vulnerable oaks. Unfortunately Brian was knocked over by a boisterous dog (not Harvey) and had to retreat wounded, with Peter's help. Duncan stayed on and guarded 25 trees.

Saturday 5 July 2014

Midges, midges, midges

This morning we were at Marsden Golf Course Hemplow Wood. We began by beating down some bracken on the side of Butterley Clough, rescuing some young trees from a shadowy doom. Then moved up into Marsden Golf Course phase 1 to do some formative pruning. For the entire morning there were clouds of Midges attempting to consume us. We consumed home made ginger cake. We were, myself, Geoff, Jess, Steve, Guy and Remy.

Saturday 28 June 2014

Our rapid-response Ragwort team respond!

"Where be that Ragwort?"
Philip went to Fieldhouse to remove Ragwort plants. We planted Fieldhouse some years ago, and have diligently removed Ragwort - which is a horse-unfriendly yellow weed - for the last two years. A huge number of plants were removed last year, and very few remained to be removed this year. Harvey the dog was also there it would seem, alone?