Thursday 17 September 2015

Yorkshire Building Society lend their support

The good folks of YBS
Jess's employer, YBS encourages its employees to do charitable works, so she organised her colleagues to do a day's work at our nursery. They cut hedges, cleared paths, and cut and split logs for us to sell to raise money.

Hats off to Jess and the YBS.

Guard straightening in the rain

A pensive Ben and John look on as Tania is amused and Hap enjoys his cake. Do the alders heavy with berries suggest a harsh winter ahead?

These trees planted about four years ago are doing well, especially the Italian alder and some of the birch with a few oak also showing good growth. However they have been battered by the wind in places and as the deer are quite a problem here we need to try and keep the trees straight and as protected as possible, so spent a rainy but not unpleasant morning straightening up guards and banging in stakes. Quite few trees were big enough to remove stake and guard completely so we accumulated a store of useful spare materials where they were not too damaged. Quite a few stakes were reused on other trees with broken stakes and the rest were taken back to the nursery. There is more to do here. We were, Hap, Philip, Tania, Ben, John and myself. Cake was a delicious fruit cake. Philip was particularly proud of a new tool belt and I was excited about using my new camera only to find after taking one group photo it had run out of memory so had to resort back to my phone for 'the belt'.
'The belt'

Saturday 29 August 2015

Scammonden scamps

Jess' cropped trousers were discussed.
Today we popped up to Scammonden reservoir to feast our eyes upon our works of the last few years. All looking pretty good. We were there primarily to fix overblown tree guards and trees, but Philip and Duncan were also taking an academic interest in the whole "when is best to take guards off altogether" situation. Conclusion seemed to be that where guards had been taken off, deer were having a bit of a nibble. So best to leave them on? We did retrieve a few from out and out failures though (not many).

We were: myself, Jess and Lizzie the Dog, Duncan and Harvey the dog, Peter W., Philip, and Ben. Cake was blueberry muffins, freshly made with blueberries out of mum's garden.


Saturday 18 July 2015

A big push for Wessenden valley

Hap grabs some Chocolate cake

A three line whip got a good turn out: myself, Hap, Tanya, Geoff, John, Philip, Ben, Dave and Steve. We think we finished it all today, both the Butterley bit and the far end up by Blakeley. After Thursday nights session as well I am now officially knackered. But all those thousands of trees are now seeing a good bit of daylight, and should get a couple of months good growth in before the darker months.

And we begin the planning for those darker months now, site visits, and sourcing of trees and materials.

In the photo below, in the distance you can see tree guards that we have exposed in the bracken on the hillside.

Steve, Tanya (hiding), Geoff and Hap.