Thursday 1 December 2016

Apology song

Today we ventured back to Huck Hill, planting another 60 trees, and digging holes for the remaining 30. We were: myself, Stephen, Dave, Hap and Tanya.

Tanya arrived by bicycle, and we gave her a bit of a lecture about her rather casual approach to bicycle security. Hence today's title and song.

Saturday 26 November 2016

Keep on keepin' on

Today we were high up above Marsden planting a long hedge and some trees. We were: Stephen O., Stephen K., Steve, Tanya, Robert, Hap, Philip, Dave, Jess and Lee, Dianne and Lizzie the dog, Duncan and Harvey the dog, Ben and Solo the dog, Geoff, John and myself.

We planted 510 trees and hedging plants this morning. Which is a pretty heroic effort. Though we did have to keep on keepin' on til 1pm.

Thursday 24 November 2016

Everybody is a star

Somebody wake Hap up!
This Thursday morning five of us went back to Huck Hill and planted another 80 or so trees. We were: myself, Stephen, Dianne, Dave and Hap. Scones had been freshly made by Ann.

Well done everyone!

This leaves 60 Downy Birch and 30 Alder to be planted at this site (all of which are at the nursery).

Saturday 19 November 2016


Mystery guest and his political hat.
This week we were back at Huck Hill. The weather was not kind, and the ground here is still the hardest digging we ever do. Nevertheless we planted around 200 trees. We were: myself, Dave, Philip, Guy, Cath, Steve, Lesley and Robert, Adrian, Jess, Dianne and Lizzie the dog, Ben and Solo the dog, Iain, and Geoff. Cake was sticky ginger.

I guess we still have another 150 trees to plant here, which is either another days team work, or a little hobby for me on my days off!

Dave and his deckchair.