Sunday 12 August 2018

Look what you made me do.

It didn't see Dave coming.

A heroic/foolhardy one man effort from Dave this week to grub out Blackthorn roots at Throstle. Probably better to share the pain with some equally misguided friends?

Saturday 4 August 2018

Back in black(thorn)

Hap looking momentarily disconsulate. John and Adrian not quite at that point, yet.

This week we were back at Throstle Green. We need to cut back some undergrowth, hopefully for the final time. And we started on the worst bit, a thicket of blackthorn. It was not easy or pleasant, in fact it was hellish, but we got it done. We were: myself, Hap, John, Adrian, Stephen, Steve and Dave. Geoff decided to stay a the nursery. Cake was an excellent flapjack with fresh raspberry filling.

Saturday 28 July 2018

Fun for all the family

This week week we were up the far side of Scammonden, knocking back Himalayan balsam, and collecting old guards off grown trees. Lots of families and dog walkers kept passing us as they used the major path that Yorkshire Water have built around the reservoir, only one lot stopped and asked what we were doing. The weather was kind, breezy, but dry. Cake was homemade jam sponge. We were: myself, Adrian, John, Ben and Geoff. We must have collected 100+ guards, and a lot of cable ties.

I know I have shoehorned this tune title in somewhat, but was listening to it in the car that morning. I imagine the Academic Hamiltons were a bit like this.

Saturday 21 July 2018

Everything's gone green

Me, rumbling in the jungle.

Back up to Butterley for the final bashing of the bracken. We were: myself, Adrian, Geoff, Dave, Philip, Ben, John, Hap and Stephen.