Monday 22 October 2018

A forest

Hap on the throne

Site meeting of the woodland management group today at Hemplow. This comprised: Hap, Stephen, Ben, Sue, Philip and Duncan (I believe). A cunning (woodland management) plan will result.

Saturday 20 October 2018

Your sweetness is my weakness

Biscuit and Colne Valley.

Today we were at Pasture Wood, high above Marsden. Discussing capitalisation and what constitutes legitimate artistic endeavour. While removing stakes and plastic tubes. We were: Geoff, Dave, Hap, Steve, Jess, Dianne and Lizzie the dog, Ben, Tanya and myself.

Cake was homemade ginger biscuits. And they were very nice.

Geoff, Dave, and Steve

Thursday 18 October 2018

End game

Today David, Hap and Cath removed another 3 bags worth of guards from Butterley. The end of the older smaller guards?

Saturday 13 October 2018

Crawling back to shrew

This week we were crawling around in the undergrowth at Scammonden, retrieving plastic tubes and discovering wildlife. Hap found a shrew! Poor little blighter was terrified. And the shrew was pretty scared too. Boom, boom.

We were: myself, Dave, Geoff, Harriet, Jess and Lizzie the dog, Lee, Mel, Steve, Cath, Ben and Hap.

Cake was bakewell tart.