Saturday 4 January 2020

Never going back again (?)



The final woodland management session for a while. At the nursery we were: Adrian, myself, Geoff, Remy, Dianne, Jess, and Lee.
In the woods were: Philip, Stephen, Susan, Peter, Hap, John, Dave, Cath and Ben.

Cake was a non-Christmassy jam sponge.

Saturday 28 December 2019

Stay free

Sophie, Adrian, Sue, Cath, John, Stephen, Peter and Philip

Another day of feverish chopping and sawing, as a remedy to Christmas indulgence.

We were: myself, Geoff, Tanya and Ben at the nursery. And: Philip, Susan, Stephen, Hap, Adrian, Dave, Sophie, Peter and John in the woods at Throstle.

Cake was a mix of Christmas leftovers, both homemade and shop bought.

And the songs a tribute to revelations of one member's chequered past.

Saturday 21 December 2019

Christmas is coming

Dianne and Cath full of cheer (or Dave's Baileys)

A very convivial pre-Christmas session at Blakeley Reservoir. We planted 2 Yew, 15 Alder, 60 Bird Cherry, 90 Sessile Oak, 30 Birch, and 15 Aspen. We were 20 strong: myself, Tanya, Philip, Dave, Geoff, Steve, Sylvie and Elliot, Kate and Martin, Jon and Tessie, Cath, Jess and Lee, Adrian, Hap, Ben, Kirstie and Dianne. Cake was the brilliant and seasonal sticky cranberry gingerbread.

Plus we also transplanted some trees which had previously been put too close to the dam.

Kirstie and Cath, and lots of others.

Saturday 14 December 2019

Hit, git and split!

Dianne and Jessica keep swinging.

Another productive day of woodland management and wood fuel. All of which benefits local woodlands, and goes towards our sustainability as a tree planting group.

At the nursery we were: Stephen on chainsaw, myself, Dianne, Sophie and Adrian. Later joined by Jess and Tanya.

In the woods were: Susan and Philip on chainsaws, Ben, Hap, Dave, Duncan and Harvey the dog on lead, and Chris. A comprehensive risk assessment was shared with the group before work began, and everyone was safe and happy.

Ben communes with a tree, or maybe just saw a squirrel.

And a song by "Young Jessie"