Thursday 20 February 2020

(For those about to rock) we salute you

Well hats off to Dave, Stephen and Cath, who went out in the pelting Marsden rain. And tidied and logged like troopers.

Sunday 16 February 2020


Dianne braves the wind and rain. Tanya's Fuji X20 is a classic camera.
Poor weather, but a cast of stalwarts and old favourites were present: myself, Philip, Dave, Geoff, Tanya, Cath, Dianne, Ben, Stephen, Steve, Adrian, Hap, Richard, Bob, Alastair, Jared, and Peter.

175 Hawthorn were planted plus willow whips.

Bob, pursued by some wet zombies.

Sunday 9 February 2020


Philip casts a shadow

I was away at a training event with Treesponsibility in Hebden, so the following was provided by Philip.

We filled in the gaps from last week with Hawthorn. That side of the field is now complete. The other side of the field was a lot wetter so gaps were left where it was sodden. The same planting mix of Hawthorn with other shrubby species was used. At the bottom of the field adjacent to the existing woodland we planted 30 Beech and 15 Spindle. Brambles sprouting from the wall and encroaching into the field were grubbed out so the hedge could follow the line of the wall.

Total number for the day consisted of 300 Hawthorn, 15 Blackthorn, 15 dog Rose, 15 Elder, 30 Hazel plus the Beech and Spindle. Total 420 plants.

We were: Richard, Dianne, Jess, Stephen, Bob, Geoff, Adrian, Dave, Jared and Alastair, Sophie, Jon and Tess, John F, Cath, Elliot, Steve, Philip.

Saturday 1 February 2020

David Wainwright's feet

Peter's trench foot is assessed by Jess.

Another mixed hedgerow, this time at Hey above Slaithwaite.

We were: myself, Tanya, Philip, Dave, Hap, Stephen, Ian, Jon, Bob, Peter, Jess, Adrian, Ben, and Simon.

Mud was very sticky. Some bits of the field were very wet. Nevertheless we planted 15 spindle, 15 field maple, 30 hornbeam, 15 holly, 60 Elder, 45 dog rose, 30 Blackthorn, 120 hazel, and 255 hawthorn.

Song is apropos of nothing other than a conversation me, Philip and Geoff had.