Saturday 24 October 2020

Chain (of fools)


Back to Throstle this morning for another session of woodland management. We were: myself, Philip, Stephen, John, Dave and Hap.

Philip's new chain broke, but he managed to chew his way through some trees with an old one.

We thought we might finish today, but looks like another session necessary to remove some dead ash.

Lots of logs now at nursery for cross cutting, splitting, stacking, drying and selling.

Saturday 17 October 2020

Isolation (not the song you think)

This morning was a three-fer.

I assigned myself to the nursery, on the principle that Dave would need help unloading and stacking logs. Sadly this message didn't get through to the chainsaw boys, who spent the morning felling larch and leaving it where it lay. So hardly any logs arrived, and the ones that did were felled on Thursday.

Stephen, Philip, Dave, Hap, Adrian and John were at Throstle Green. 

Geoff, Cath, Tanya, Sophie and Jess were at Scammonden deguarding.

Thursday 15 October 2020

You need to calm down

Back to Throstle Green Farm for another (short) morning of felling and logging. We were: Stephen, myself, Dave and John. Still work to do on Saturday.

At one point an ex-colleague of ours hurled homophobic abuse at as as he cycled past. And not in a friendly way (which wouldn't be possible anyway, it being homophobic and all). We were somewhat surprised, but we gave a genuinely polite reply, as he sped off.

Taylor said it best:

Saturday 10 October 2020

Pull dub


Ah, look, Geoff has a little doggie friend.

Another morning of two halves.

Myself, Philip, Stephen, Hap, Adrian, John and Dave were at Throstle Green Farm to fell some trees growing too close to the roadside. Philip and Stephen had their chainsaws and everyone had full PPE. We had to buy a winch and some cable in order to fell a couple of these safely.

Meanwhile, at Scammonden, Geoff (birthday boy), Jess, Lee ,Sophie, Steve, Jon and Tess were carrying on the reclamation work.

One of the expertly felled tall larch.

Some gentle electronica this week.