Saturday 23 December 2023

Remember (Christmas)

 In the holiday hubbub I forgot to post the Christmas eve eve planting. 

To the best of my recollection there was; myself, Stephen,Tanya, Geoff, Dave, Dianne, Peter, Matthew, Jon and Tess. But feel free to let me know if I have left you off.

Saturday 16 December 2023

Oh tannenbaum!

Another trip to Linfit. Less animal petting this week though.

We were: myself, Geoff, Dave, Michael T., Philip, Dianne, Stephen, Cath, Hap, Ben, and Paul.

500 more plants went in.

The weather was pretty good, though we are on the wrong side of the valley to enjoy full sunshine.

Tekkno Christmas!

 Dave and I did 2 and half hours setting up for Saturday, and taking down the hazard fence from last week.

Friday 15 December 2023

 Cath and Hap did 2 hours of excellent work pre-screefing for Saturday.