"Beat up" is the term we use for going back to a previously planted site, and bunging in a few extra trees to fill gaps and replace failed trees. Sometimes certain types of tree won't thrive on a particular site, or will have been eaten by sheep. Today we went back to Hemplow Wood, which is either side of a clough next to Butterly Reservoir. We planted 170 trees, Scots Pine, Larch, and Oak. All the stakes we used this morning were ones reclaimed from earlier planting, and even some of the guards were re-used. It was hard work clambering up and down the steep sides of the clough, but that's not unusual round these parts. In the first picture you can just about see Heidi, Philip and Duncan planting on the lower slope, above them is Marsden Golf course, with an area we planted about 10 years ago. This site is doing particularly well, though in the winter depths of January, its really only the Sitka Spruce that stand out. This mornings cake was the always popular coconut crunch top. Philip's Fleet Foxes beard is coming along nicely too.