Saturday, 2 February 2019


Geoff defrosting  trees - or a garden water feature with gnome?
In attendance: Adam, Adrian, Ben, David, Diane, Geoff, Harriet, John, Jon, Philip, Simon, Stephen, Steve, Tanya.

Adrian arrived with pastries to celebrate his 60th. As Simon was away, anarchy ruled with an early break to let the trees defrost. 

Photo of Geoff de-frosting trees in a small brook, taking care not to let all the soil wash downstream.
The shelter belt was finished by planting the Hazel and Wild Service Trees in the dryer areas. Guelder Rose were planted as a woodland edge back from the fence-line as requested. The few remaining trees were used to fill up two of the field corners planted the previous week.
Cake was curranty sponge.

I was away this Saturday, so music is Philip's choice...