Important though Summer work is, I have been very slack with recording the sessions for this Summer. Let that all change now. And I am going to cheat and just put a list up.
Saturday 12th July Scammonden. 2 groups, me and philip bashing on far side. Dave, Kayleigh, Geoff and Stephen retreiving stakes from SC12
Saturday 5th July Wessenden weeding. Geoff, Dave, me, Philip, Peter, Michael, Tanya Paul
Saturday 25th June Wessenden weeding Philip, Geoff, Dave, Paul,
Saturday 18th June Wessenden weeding Philip Geoff, Dave, Paul
Saturday 11th June
Spring St. Weeding. Matthew, Paul, Dave, Geoff, Kayleigh, Peter, me, Philip, Steve
Saturday 4th June
Weeding Hey 2. Matthew, Paul, Dave, Geoff, Jess, Philip, me
Saturday 28th May
Weeding Waller Clough and Green Edge. Geoff, Philip, Stephen, Kayleigh, Jess, Dave,