Tuesday 11 May 2010

Fieldhouse site visit

This Monday evening, Philip, Duncan and I met Ramsay Bloom from Kirklees Council, on site at Fieldhouse Slaithwaite. This site has been under discussion for the last two years, but we hope to move forward with it in the 2010/11 season. Originally it had been suggested that this field be used as an experiment in wood fuel planting, but subsequent discussions, including that with Ramsay this evening suggest that it would be better to treat this as a more naturalistic community woodland area, with some limited woodfuel planting. We already have grant money to pay for arborial work to make safe some large dead trees at the rear of the site, to replace the access gate, and to plant a selection of native tree species across the upper and side parts of the field. It is a lovely site, with great views out over Slaithwaite. Ramsay explained that the field is what used to be the grounds of Fieldhouse, a large mill owners residence, which came into Council hands some years ago, and is now converted into flats. He also showed us the remains of the more formal garden at the bottom of the slope, where, hidden amongst the trees at the side of the road, are Victorian paths, rockery, trees and shrubs. We also discovered a guerilla allotment in the far corner of the field, which we will do our best to respect when we come to planting.

Saturday 1 May 2010

Bolster Moor Farm Shop - phase 2

Neil and Brian, a meeting of minds.

Here we are again at Bolster Moor Farm Shop, helping out a local business. Today we finished planting the heathers and ground covering plants in front of the car park. It was a lovely morning, with Brian, Neil, Richard, Roger and myself. Good view from up there, and it was a lovely clear day so we could see as far as Selby and the Drax power station, which must be 30 miles at least. Also on site were some young Scouts who had also been drafted in. A meeting of generations then.

Sunday 25 April 2010

They thought it was all over...

Well last week was the official end of the season, as decreed by our chairman, but Brian phoned round on Thursday night looking for volunteers to help with some planting at Bolster Moor farm shop. So there we were, planting heathers and other ground covering plants in front of the car park of the new Bolster Moor farm shop. We did get a section of pork pie each, and the sun did shine. Attending were, Brian, Peter, Trevor, Philip, Dan, Duncan and myself.

Monday 19 April 2010


There were just three of us for the last day of planting this season, Geoff, Guy and Philip. We began by planting self seeded ash saplings out in the tree beds at the nursery. The main job of the day though was to plant 250 holly at Netherwood Farm as part of our ongoing 'beating-up' policy. This task was made alot easier due to all the holes being dug beforehand, so we just had to plant the trees. This allowed Geoff time to take some footage for his film about the Tree Society. And it allowed all of us to lie in the sun looking up at an aircraft free blue sky. Netherwood is a great place to be on a sunny day, even though there was a steady breeze. The only thing that was not ideal was the lack of cake.