Thursday 3 May 2012

Raffles - the amateur cracksman

So, this is the second combination lock we have had fail. As you can see I drew on my extensive knowledge of lock pickery, and then just carried out a frenzied attack on it, focussing on the relatively soft brass rather than the hardened shackle. Took me 40 minutes, 2 hacksaw blades, and a broken screwdriver to destroy it. Probably not a lot of chance getting this one replaced under guarantee, not in this state. There is a new new lock on the gate, with the same old combination.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Dry stone walling at Scammonden

Thanks to Simon Pedley of Kirklees, and Yorkshire Water, five of us began a 2 day dry stone walling course today. We had beautiful weather (despite concerns) and all had a lovely time. We were: Neil, Sarah, myself, Peter and Dianne - plus all the other non-tree Society people booked on the course. Fingers crossed for the weather tomorrow. Of course, two pints at the Riverhead and a nice hot shower did round off all that hard work properly.

Monday 26 March 2012

Last day of the Season, Cubs, Clubs and Chainsaws

Cubs from Wakefield at Scammonden, twas a bit foggy.
So it was the last day of planting for this Season, and we were in three places. Myself, Ann, Cath and Geoff were at Scammonden with Cubs from Wakefield, planting 150 trees.

Philip and Ben at Slaithwaite Spa
 Philip, Dave, Duncan and Ben were at Slaithwaite Spa cutting down some trees, at the request of Friends of Slaithwaite Spa. And Andrew, Peter, Brian, Peter, Trevor and Dianne were at Marsden Golf Club, planting the last 60 trees there.

At 1pm we all met up at Hey Laithe to plant a tree in memory of Granville Shaw. We were joined by members of Granville's family.

We will now take a few weeks off from tree work, and will schedule some days for Summer maintenance work after Easter.

Saturday 17 March 2012

1600 tree challenge at Scammonden

For our penultimate weekend of the season Guy organised a big push at Scammonden, and bought another 1600 trees. Quite a few of them were planted on Friday by Guy's corporate outreach volunteers. We came along on Saturday and helped finish the rest. We were: myself, Philip, Simon, Dave, Peter, Stephen, Andrew, Geoff, Cath, Ramsay, and Duncan. Ben was around, and had stayed in the Scout centre overnight, along with Guy and some other irregulars. The Senior Section of Brian, Peter, Trevor and Dianne were also on site. Quite a few people, and a lot got planted.

Of course, there were rumours of mysterious drink related incidents on Friday night. Some Society members were uncharacteristically quiet on Saturday morning, and one was even sporting an oddly positioned elastoplast. I hope that there were not similar ribald and deblitating shenanigans Saturday evening. Or at least, that there were no further injuries.

Footnote to myself. There are 150 trees on site, plus 140 stakes and 130 guards, for planting with Wakefield Cubs next Saturday.