Tuesday 7 July 2015

Marsden Mechanics volunteer recruitment event

This evening Ann, Dianne and I attended the volunteer recruitment event at the Mechanics. We stood proudly beside our roller banner for a couple of hours, and did manage to get two names and make one useful contact with another group. I kept the anniversary film on loop on my tablet for punters to get a look at, but didn't manage to sell any DVDs.

Saturday 4 July 2015

Blakeley Reservoir Bracken Bashing

Geoff, Ben, Stephen, Dave and Hap.
This morning we walked up the Wessenden Valley for a bracken bashing session beside Blakeley Reservoir. We were: myself, Geoff, Ben, Stephen, John, Dave, Hap and Steve. A nice breeze kept the midges off, so all we had to worry about was the hard work involved on the steep slope. Clearing the bracken from around the newly planted trees will allow them to receive light and more nutrients. A couple more weeks of bracken growth and these 1.2 metre tree guards would have been completely engulfed, and the trees inside left in the dark for the whole Summer.

I was asked to include some of the break time conversation topics in the blog, which were, for the record, Mark E. Smith, incontinence, and the fact that Mallard ducks are inconsiderate lovers.

In the distance, on the right hand hillside beyond the reservoir, you can see several areas planted by the CVTS in past years.

Saturday 27 June 2015

Old guard remove guards

Transfixed by the view.

It sounds like a Guardian cryptic crossword clue, but describes what happened. Trevor, Brian, Duncan and a fellow that I don't recognise from the photo were up at Scout Top, Marsden, removing stakes and guards from trees that no longer needed them. Looks like it was a very pleasant morning.

The view they were transfixed by.

Saturday 20 June 2015

Butterley Bracken Bashing

First day of our assault on the Wessenden Valley's bracken infestation. We were: Philip, Guy, Mandy, Mandy's two sons and their dad, Dave, Peter T, Geoff, Jess, Ben and John. Cake was Bakewell tart. As usual, the debate raged about the best way to discourage bracken from growing back - breaking VS cutting basically.