A very productive morning. We returned first of all to Holme Bank Wood, which we have grown to dislike because of its steepness and rockiness. This morning, though, we finished there for this year, planting around 60 more trees in amongst the established Birch. The site is in the photo, above our cars parked on the Butterley reservoir track. The weather was variable, but had its good moments. When we'd finished at Holme Bank Wood we had our break, including a very nice sticky ginger cake, and then took another 45 trees over to the far side of Butterley Reservoir. These were Mountain Ash, and we planted them further up the slopes, in clumps, where the Bracken ends and the moor grass begins. Picture below is of David, Dave and Cath, gazing heroically into the distance... or looking at a van on the other side of the valley.