Saturday, 29 March 2014

Scammonden and Marsden

Now this is the sort of creativity the Society needs!
So, we were aiming for this to be the last day of the planting season, as our stocks of trees were coming into bud, and we want to be leave next Saturday free for 50th Anniversary preparations.

Philip led a crew to Scammonden. We were: Philip, myself, Remy, Hap, Stephen, Peter T, Steve, and Cath. We planted 70 or so remaining Oaks from the Green Building Store project - and 60 Downy Birch plus 30 Hawthorn leftovers from last week's Woodland Trust planting at Parkwood.

Brian led his team to Marsden Golf course, comprising; Vashti, Duncan, Ben, Dianne, and Trevor. They had 100 bare rooted Oak to squeeze in between existing planting.

Cake was ginger.

Guy was toiling away a the Nursery, trying to move hardcore and save our windblown polytunnel.

The cartoon is an RSVP from an ex-member, and when we see them on the 5th we may well commission some more. Brilliant!