Saturday 5 April 2014

Our 50th Anniversary event.

Founder Dr Derek Phillips speaking
Just a few words to say that on Saturday 5th April at Broad Oak Bowling Club we had our 50th Anniversary event. It was very well attended, with over 100 guests. Geoff premiered his film "Tree People" and there were speeches from Philip, David Ridgway, and found Dr. Derek Phillips. Guest included Sir John Harman and Jason McCartney MP. A great time was had by all.

Saturday 29 March 2014

Scammonden and Marsden

Now this is the sort of creativity the Society needs!
So, we were aiming for this to be the last day of the planting season, as our stocks of trees were coming into bud, and we want to be leave next Saturday free for 50th Anniversary preparations.

Philip led a crew to Scammonden. We were: Philip, myself, Remy, Hap, Stephen, Peter T, Steve, and Cath. We planted 70 or so remaining Oaks from the Green Building Store project - and 60 Downy Birch plus 30 Hawthorn leftovers from last week's Woodland Trust planting at Parkwood.

Brian led his team to Marsden Golf course, comprising; Vashti, Duncan, Ben, Dianne, and Trevor. They had 100 bare rooted Oak to squeeze in between existing planting.

Cake was ginger.

Guy was toiling away a the Nursery, trying to move hardcore and save our windblown polytunnel.

The cartoon is an RSVP from an ex-member, and when we see them on the 5th we may well commission some more. Brilliant!

Saturday 22 March 2014

Lindley Owls and Butterley Twite

So once again we were in two groups. Philip led the team to Butterley. They were: Philip, Hap, Ben, Neil, Vashti, and Peter T. They almost finished the Where Birds go to die planting, leaving about 40 left to do.

I took a team up to Parkwood Golcar. We were: myself, Brian, Geoff, Jess, Duncan and Harvey the Dog and Stephen. We were joined by Yolande and Sue from Lindley Infants school, and they brought with them two Guides, Hope and Sunner, and selection of parents and children from the school. Together we planted exactly 300 trees. Weather was a bit mixed, mostly good all morning, but with rain sodden ground, and one outbreak of cold sleet. The Butterley crew were less lucky with the weather and arrived back at the pub quite damp.

Mr Moriarty looking a bit muddy

Parkwood before
Parkwood after

Saturday 15 March 2014

Scammonden and Butterley

CVTS and Green Building Store at break time
Two teams played today. First of all Philip took Brian, Peter W, Peter T, Trevor, Duncan, Stephen and Ben to Scammonden to meet folk from the Green Building Store. The Green Building Store were sponsoring the planting, and joined in too. They planted around 170 out of the 250 sponsored trees.

The B team was myself, Geoff, Dave, Remy, Hap, Steve and Andrew. We began planting the final 400 at Butterley, and managed 180 of them. We were somewhat beleaguered by the mad wind that blew all morning.