Saturday 9 May 2015

Chainsaws and wheelbarrows

I always forget to take the before pics.

A day of two halves.

Myself, Philip, Stephen, Steve and Geoff went to Butterley to clear the path through the pine plantation. The plantation is towards the end of it's life, trees are dying and falling each winter blocking the footpath.  A count of rings on one of the larger fallen trees suggests they about 40 years old. Philip and Stephen were cutting these up with chainsaws, while I was moving logs and snedding with my favourite forester's axe. A lone walker with her dogs did express gratitude. Steve and Geoff were roaming about on nearby hillside removing guards and checking last season's planting.

Meanwhile, back at the nursery... Guy, Dave, Ben and Jess were eagerly anticipating the arrival of a trailerload of cowsh*t. Though given that it then took til 5pm to wheelbarrow it all into place maybe they shouldn't have been so keen. There was a lot. We were v.tired by the end. Guy's heroic efforts not to gloat about the election result were appreciated, even if he couldn't entirely contain himself.

Steve, with Geoff a tiny spec on horizon.

Thursday 2 April 2015

Photo opportunity with Yorkshire Water

Lisa documents, while Guy and Kathryn strategise.
We had a photo op with Yorkshire Water. We were met by Kathryn and Sarah from Yorkshire Water, with their photographer Lisa. Guy was there with his White Rose Forest hat on (in reality a Chelsea FC woolly hat), and Ian Butterfield from Forest of Bradford. We were there to discuss and take pictures of all the planting that CVTS and Forest of Bradford have completed up the Wessenden Valley. Hopefully they will send us some of the pro standard photos.

Saturday 28 March 2015

Woodland management at Throstle Green Farm

Alder logs, orangey when wet, white when dried. Go figure.
Clearly I get a bit slack about the blog towards the end of the Season. So here, belatedly is an account of last Saturday.

We went to Throstle Green Farm at the request of the owners, to manage some planting done there around 15 years ago. We cleared Willow and Blackthorn regrowth, while Philip and Stephen felled Alder and Willow with their chainsaws.

We were: Philip, Stephen, Mandy, Guy, myself, Dave, Tanya, Geoff, Duncan and Harvey the Dog, Neil, Sarah, Trevor, Dianne, Jess, and Hap.

Cake was homemade scones with butter and jam.

And it flippin' well lashed it down nearly all morning. So we got quite wet. Still, was last day, and all my kit got its annual wash afterwards.

Philip and myself will now take a short break from organising these shenanigans. Doesn't mean folk can't still go out and about on Saturdays.

Saturday 21 March 2015

Green Building Store tree planting at Scammonden

11am official flapjack and shortbread break

This week we were joined by the good folks of the Green Building Store, who sponsored this planting session at Scammonden Reservoir.

We were adding to some woodland that the Society planted over 15 years ago, enhancing the new reservoir path that Yorkshire Water have spent much time and money creating.

We were: myself, Jess, Tanya, Vashti, Cath, Ben, John, Peter T., Stephen, Steve, Dave, and Philip. Plus all the Green Building Store folk.

We planted 270 Sessile Oak, and enjoyed homemade flapjack and shortbread.

This was the last day of actual planting of the season, and the sun shone and everyone had a good time!

Next week, woodland management begins.

Thanks to Jess for photos.

Me lurking on far left, while Tanya looks askance at Ben's Ian Brown impersonation.