Saturday 13 June 2009

Hemplow, Butterly and Rams Clough - a bit of everything

One of our valiant little trees struggling against the evil bracken at Hemplow Wood. Nice view of the reservoir though.

A typical summer mornings work. We took walk round Butterly reservoir, checking on the progress of some of last seasons planting, and trees from two or three years ago. We collected some old stakes and guards for recycling, we knocked back a bit of bracken to allow smaller trees to get some light, we cleared the footpath of fallen trees in the pine plantation, and we ended the morning by going up Rams Clough to persuade some sheep to leave one of our planting sites. A pleasant mornings work, good breeze so no midges. My feet were a bit sore from all the walking though. The damp weather has made it incredibly lush up there.

Guy and Philip do their best catalogue poses, modelling society t-shirts.

Saturday 16 May 2009

Three men and a chainsaw

Before the sawing. The tree in the centre is impeding the growth of those nearby.

Summer's here, and the time is right, for... doing a bit of woodland management. Planting season is over, so during the summer we meet every couple of weeks and carry out tasks like pruning, thinning our old sites, and collecting planting materials for re-use. Today we were in a small wood above Cowlersley, which the society planted 8-10 years ago. Three willow trees had been identified by Guy as having outgrown nearby oaks, and so were to be chopped back in order that the smaller trees might thrive. Philip had his chainsaw, and a risk assessment form, so we were all set. I taped off the paths leading into the site, and Guy announced our intention to nearby householders. Cake was a very civilised jam sponge, which, given there were only three of us, we all ate far too much of. 

After. Philip hard at work. Look at those lovely logs.

Hazard tape, and a CVTS waymarker.

Saturday 4 April 2009

Last saturday of the season. Meltham

The assembled throng is plied with strong drink

Last day of planting for this season, and we were once again high on the hill above Meltham. Planting Alder, Oak, Ash, and more Hawthorn and Blackthorn to supplement the shelter belt we planted here two weeks ago. It was a lovely morning, though the wind is a bit brisk up there. Brian brought  out the whiskey again at break time, and I understand it went well with the fruit cake. We had extra volunteers again this week, Army John, Richard, Roger, Dianne, Rob, and Wilf Proctor (one of the founder members of the society). Drinks were partaken in the Wills O' Nats afterwards. A very pleasant end to the season. Now we start planning for November!

Brian, Wilf and Dave

Brian's giant bare rooted alder!

Purely medicinal

Saturday 28 March 2009

Holme Bank Wood, and Well House

This morning we planted 100 Holly above Holme Bank Wood, overlooking Butterly Reservoir. It was a very steep and somewhat rocky slope, there was lots of moaning about rocks and no topsoil, but we got it done quite quick. We were quite high up, with a lovely view, but it was a bit unseasonally chilly. The cake was a very acceptable pecan and apricot fruit cake. Main photo shows Brian holding forth on some topic or other, and Dan listening raptly. Second photo is of Philip and Peter looking at the view, you can see our cars parked up on the hill in the background. After we'd had our tea and cake we stopped by at Well House on the way back, and planted 80-100 more trees and popped on a couple of hundred of the canes and spiral guards that Guy sourced.  A busy morning, we didn't finish til 1pm.