A lovely saturday morning for some site visits. Philip and I went up to Well House farm first. This site had suffered from sheep attack soon after the first planting, so we were eager to see how things were going. Subsequent growth of both trees and grass shows that the field is now secure. There were some Hawthorn that had never recovered from being nibbled, and some strangely failed Scots pine. But other than that it looked good.
Next visit was Green Owlers. Again, our nemesis the sheep have attacked. It looked like a sheep or two had got in recently and nibbled lots of the tops out of the new trees. Very few were showing above the tops of the guards, but all were healthy inside. The owners son assured us that they were on the case as far as further sheep ingress was concerned, and they even had an electric fence down one side.
Just up the road was White Hall Barn. No sheep can get in there, and the owner has been carefully strimming around the trees to ensure them lots of light. Looks good.
Next we went up to Merrydale to look for Duncan, we collected some stakes and guards and took them off site.
Last port of call was to see a householder over by Jerusalem farm at Linthwaite. We discussed planting a windbreak down one side of the field behind his cottage. A small job for us, but every little helps.
A young Birch, a young Rowan, and a pile of old guards.
Lots of people are on holiday, it being August, so it was just Geoff and myself this morning. But it was a lovely morning, and we went up to Merrydale and removed more stakes and guards. We brought back about 100 stakes at the end, which saves us around £25. I also collected a similar number of used cable ties, I am not quite sure what I am going to do with those, but at least they aren't just left on site. We had tons of cake, cherry muffins. But we only ate two each, and I brought the rest home. After a pint of Elland brewery Bargee at the Sair.
Philip, Geoff and Guy relax before the rain.
Philip and Guy have been trying to establish this weekend as an annual event and walk. The Green man trail is a proposed walk route that takes you up to the top of Pasture Wood above Marsden. It gives a brilliant view of the head of the Colne Valley. At least, it does on a day which isn't beset by low cloud and rain, in August! The weather was shockingly bad. It should have been a lovely celebratory moment, when we could look around the valley and see thousands of trees which the society has planted over the years. But we did our best in adverse circumstances, we had cake, and shared a bottle of wine. Later on, Philip, Guy and I walked down to Netherwood, and did a bit of light formative pruning there, before ending the evening in more relaxed and social manner. Beer, obviously.
Philip formatively prunes a tree.
Heidi and Lisa standing proudly next to their pile of collected guards, and looking wet.
In his capacity as a Scout Leader Duncan took a group of Scouts up Merrydale and got them to take off stakes and guards from the grown trees. Heidi and Lisa turned out to help. Philip was away bracken bashing at High Wood. By all accounts it was a wet, wet Thursday evening.
See the flies on Simon's hat, see Geoff, fly-less. Why?
So, this morning we were up Merrydale, a lovely little valley that runs away to the west north west of Slaithwaite. The site has some semi-ancient natural woodland, and this was supplemented with new planting some years ago. We were back there today to remove guards and retrieve stakes for re-use. Problem was, flies! Flies, flies damn flies. You can see them all over my hat in the pic. Other than that it was delightful up there. And the bilberry bushes are weighed down with big juicy fruit too, so lots of jam this year. We gathered 175 stakes for re-use, saving us £70 or £80. We also took a similar number of the old guards off site. Apricot and walnut cake today. Very good.
Duncan, Neil and Heidi, emerging from the new growth. Heidi handing round the cake
Holme Bank Wood this morning, for more bracken bashing and stake and guard retrieval. Very warm and midgy up there, lovely views of the reservoirs though. This site is an ongoing attempt to add to semi-ancient woodland on the edge of the Reservoirs. There is some seriously deep bracken up there though, so we need to keep going back to get light to the smaller trees. Some of the birch look like they have some kind of blight, but others look ok so far. Some birch are self seeding on the rockier parts of the hillside. Rowan is also self seeding, and a few small oak.
Guy thinks there is lots of scope for further planting here and the other side of the reservoirs.
That's Duncan wrestling with a stake under a bush
And that's me with my midge net on, demonstrating how not to remove a guard.
Philip considers adopting a minimum height requirement for Society volunteers.
Today we were at the annual Marsden green fair at the Mechanics Institute. Philip and I set up our stall at 10.00, and then we took turns to host the stall and hand out leaflets to visitors. We had several useful conversations with prospective volunteers, and also with people who may have sites for us to plant on. My mum helped out as well and had a fine old time. I got to talk to one of the Society's founder members Dr. Dransfield, who must in his late eighties now.
Tilly got her face painted, we won wine in the raffle, and my mum talked to anyone and everyone.
One of our valiant little trees struggling against the evil bracken at Hemplow Wood. Nice view of the reservoir though.
A typical summer mornings work. We took walk round Butterly reservoir, checking on the progress of some of last seasons planting, and trees from two or three years ago. We collected some old stakes and guards for recycling, we knocked back a bit of bracken to allow smaller trees to get some light, we cleared the footpath of fallen trees in the pine plantation, and we ended the morning by going up Rams Clough to persuade some sheep to leave one of our planting sites. A pleasant mornings work, good breeze so no midges. My feet were a bit sore from all the walking though. The damp weather has made it incredibly lush up there.
Guy and Philip do their best catalogue poses, modelling society t-shirts.
Before the sawing. The tree in the centre is impeding the growth of those nearby.
Summer's here, and the time is right, for... doing a bit of woodland management. Planting season is over, so during the summer we meet every couple of weeks and carry out tasks like pruning, thinning our old sites, and collecting planting materials for re-use. Today we were in a small wood above Cowlersley, which the society planted 8-10 years ago. Three willow trees had been identified by Guy as having outgrown nearby oaks, and so were to be chopped back in order that the smaller trees might thrive. Philip had his chainsaw, and a risk assessment form, so we were all set. I taped off the paths leading into the site, and Guy announced our intention to nearby householders. Cake was a very civilised jam sponge, which, given there were only three of us, we all ate far too much of.
After. Philip hard at work. Look at those lovely logs.
Hazard tape, and a CVTS waymarker.
The assembled throng is plied with strong drink
Last day of planting for this season, and we were once again high on the hill above Meltham. Planting Alder, Oak, Ash, and more Hawthorn and Blackthorn to supplement the shelter belt we planted here two weeks ago. It was a lovely morning, though the wind is a bit brisk up there. Brian brought out the whiskey again at break time, and I understand it went well with the fruit cake. We had extra volunteers again this week, Army John, Richard, Roger, Dianne, Rob, and Wilf Proctor (one of the founder members of the society). Drinks were partaken in the Wills O' Nats afterwards. A very pleasant end to the season. Now we start planning for November!
Brian, Wilf and Dave
Brian's giant bare rooted alder!
Purely medicinal
See the many many trees planted, and the tired volunteers packing up
Amazingly, we got most of this site finished today. Over 1000 trees planted in two weekends, two Saturdays and a Sunday. My estimate is that we have 45 Hawthorn, and 30 Holly left from the original order, and maybe some extra Willow to bung in if we feel so inclined. We also came up short on stakes and guards too, so there are maybe 100 guards needed in total, and a similar number of stakes. I'll probably try to get these done one day this week, maybe with Trevors help. So, it was hard work, and we are all probably quite tired, and the project management skills went a bit awry. But overall we can be quite proud that we got this done in so short a space of time. Nobody pays us to do this you know, we must be mad. Mind, we did have a very nice chocolate cake, made with Green and Blacks, maybe they'd like to sponsor us?
More tired volunteers, and another view of all our labours.
Every year we have a sunday when we are visited by the Lindley Owls. Mrs Shires organised a fantastic turnout and we got a huge amount of planting done, before the rain and snow and sleet set in. Home made biscuits were distributed, and the landowners made us a tea and coffee. A great morning was had, it was only the last half hour when it got a bit inhospitable.
Panorama of the site and Owls at work
Once again, a huge thankyou to Mrs Shires and colleagues for organising this, it gave us a big boost on this site and we got hundreds of trees planted.