Saturday, 31 December 2011
Happy new year! - from Burnt Plats
This was the second week at Burnt Plats, the Senior Section came here while we were at Butterley two weeks ago. Then they planted around 100 Hawthorn. Today we added another 120 or so trees, most Blackthorn, some Hawthorn. It was a grey and wet morning, Ben's atmospheric photo actually makes it look nicer than it felt. We were, myself, Ann, Ben, Diane, Brian, Peter, Trevor, Philip, Andrew and Neil. Cake was Apricot sponge. Our thanks to Terry, our hostess, who invited us to this field, provided the trees, and made a generous donation.
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Happy Holidays from the Colne Valley Tree Society
It may have been Christmas eve, but it was still a Saturday morning, so out we went into the wind and rain. It did clear up though and we had a lovely morning planting 300+ trees at Neil and Sarah's field in Marsden. We were: myself, Ann, Philip, Ali, Andrew, Ben, Geoff, Dave, Neil, Julia and Stephen, plus our hosts Neil and Sarah, plus a very special guest French Canadian contingent, Eduard and Maxime plus their mum and Dad. We had Whisky, veggie sausage rolls and flapjack at break time. And then some beer in the Riverhead afterwards. And all made it home in time to fulfil our other Christmas eve responsibilities. Result.
Saturday, 17 December 2011
To the land of ice and snow - Butterley

Saturday, 10 December 2011
Scammonden encore une fois
Once again to Scammonden, and this morning we planted 45 Lime, 30 Birch, 105 Oak, 15 Ash, and 105 Rowan. Grant total 300 trees, I think.
Yes, one might say that we were involved in a Baudrilliardian simulacrum of the manual labour that our recent relatives would have considered unpleasant toil - but a morning spent working in the hail and sleet of a frosty morning on a bare hillside, followed by a pint or three of beer in a pub with a roaring fire felt quite real to me, and actually pretty damn good. It beat wandering around (not very) diverse modern retail outlets doing Christmas shopping anyway. And the juke box selection in the Sair was good too, Lou Reed, The Who, Fern Kinney.
We were: myself, Ann, Philip, Ramsay, Brian, Peter, Trevor, Philip, Geoff, Ben, Andrew and Dave.
Cake was chocolate, with, apparently, a quarter pint of whisky in it.
We will take a break from Scammonden now for a couple of weeks. Next week will be Butterley and Burt Platts (for the Senior Section), Christmas Eve, Marsden.
30 Birch to be returned to Scammonden at some point. Lots of stakes and guards left on site.
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Even Wintery-er at Butterley

Made several solo trips up to Butterley Clough to check out where to plant this season. Took some stakes up, and retrieved some left over from last year. So there are already 150 deer stakes and 150 deer guards on site, plus 50 rabbit guards and stakes. Of last years planting the Sitka Spruce and Rowan are doing well. Oak seemingly less so. This years planting mix will be a mixture of Rowan, Oak, Birch, Hawthorn and Blackthorn, a standard mix supplied to us by the Woodland Trust. We are planning to do this work on the morning of 17th December.
Older planting is doing ok. Sitka Spruce and Scots Pine grow well. Birch grow well, but then suffer from die back. Rowan grow well. Oak grow, but slowly. Hawthorn grow, but even more slowly. Older planting using only rabbit guards has been a bit hit or miss, given sheep incursion and grazing.
And it rained or hailed every time I went up. Photo is from my second trip .
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Getting a bit more wintery up at Scammonden
Quite a damp and chilly morning up at Scammonden. But we did plant 170 Ash, 15 Lime and 55 Hawthorn. With universally acclaimed home made Eccles cakes at break. We were: myself, Ann, Philip, Geoff, Andrew, Ben, Cath, Stephen , Dave, Ramsay, Brian and Trevor.
Saturday, 26 November 2011
Scammonden - a day of three teams
Today we were at Scammonden again. We ended up working as three teams. There was the Senior section, comprising myself, Brian, Peter, Trevor and Diane - we planted Crab Apple and Hawthorn below the path. Duncan and the Outlane Scouts, who planted Crab Apple above the path. And the Young 'uns, Geoff, Andrew, Stephen, Cath, Ben, Julia and Neil, who planted Ash and Lime on the hillside. In all I think we planted 95 Hawthorn, 30 Crab Apple, 90 Lime and 65 Ash. A grand total of 280, which was pretty good going considering we were missing Philip (self-inflicted ailment), Guy (feeling non-specifically wan) and Dave, who worked at the Nursery.
Friday, 25 November 2011
Helping Honley High School
Friday, 18 November 2011
We were on BBC Look North
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Scammonden Week 1
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Scape School and the Woodshed
A day of two halves. Philip, Brian, Duncan, Ramsay and Trevor went to Scape School thinning some old planting. This was done at the request of Scapegoat Hill Junior and Infant School, where we had helped them plant a shelter belt of trees about 10 years ago.
Myself, Dave, Andrew and Ben put the roof on the new timber drying shed. Fruit cake was divvied up before setting off, so everyone got some. Oh, and I put another 128 Common Alder in root trainer trays, for planting in 2 years time?
Saturday, 29 October 2011
A grand design
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Throstle Green Farm, again.
Once more up to Throstle Green Farm. Took down the last of the Alder obscuring the householders view. Made a nice pile of firewood to collect later. Myself, Ben, Philip and Andrew worked quite hard, but not too hard. Delicious date slice for break. We were all very taken with our new Brush hook tool, and took turns to use it, carefully.
Monday, 3 October 2011
Growing trees from seed
We also have 144 Rowan that were planted last year, and will be ready for 2012/13.
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Chainsaws a go go!
Back to Throstle Green farm this week, and at one stage we had three chainsaws on the go. Proper forestry sorts us. Present were Ben, Dan, Philip, Geoff, Dave, me, Guy, Mandy, and for the second half, Andy. It was outrageously hot, too hot for this kind of work really. And Co-op doughnuts in place of home made cake. But we can't complain. Not after some refreshing shandys in the pub afterwards.
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Throstle Green Farm
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Throstle Green Farm
A good green gym workout this morning, with an hours formative pruning and then another hour cutting back some blackthorn and hazel.
The site was planted around 10 years ago and the owner has asked us to cut back some of the trees planted in front of the houses - to preserve the view of the valley. It will take a couple of days in October with chainsaws to do it properly, but myself, Ann, Ben and Dave made a tentative start with some handsaws. For the trees at the sides of the houses some serious pruning was needed. Homemade oat biscuits at break.
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Summer survey walk
First stop was Glen View, Marsden, where we peered over the wall to admire 2 years growth of the 1000 odd trees planted in those fields.

Second stop was Huck Hill, Standedge. Planting took place across several winters here, and the early stuff overlooking the Tunnel End is doing well. Stuff further back and higher up is growing more slowly, but growing.

Then further west to the area around Green Owlers. Spanswicks field is doing rather better than we expected, with strong growth down the damp bottom, slower growth on the dryer upward slopes.

On up round the path to what was Andrassi's, which again is growing well. We had feared goats or pigs had been put in there.

Last, and sadly least, we walked down through Green Owlers Clough. The top end is looking quite good, but there have been lots of Birch die off lower down, and it looks a bit threadbare.

Saturday, 9 July 2011
Helme and Hey Laithe
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Hey Laithe again
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Trees planted at Scammonden
A photo of the 2700 trees planted at Scammoden reservoir this last season, almost all doing well despite the dry weather. We hope to continue planting further round the reservoir in the coming season, if funding is obtained. Scammonden was a popular site with the Scout and school groups who helped us, and we'd love to be able to work with them again.
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Hey Laithe

It was very rainy early on. I wondered how many volunteers would turn out. There were five of us and we went to Hey Laithe at Marsden for the first time for a while.
The site was planted about 7 years ago, and is doing very well. We rebuilt a dry-stone wall to stop the sheep and lambs in the next field from getting in. The fencing arrangements got re-hashed. We need to buy more fencing staples.
We also removed stakes and guards from the trees, they are growing really well. One hundred and fifty stakes were taken back to the nursery to be reused.
There is a fantastic view from Hey Laithe both up and down the valley. On a day like today, with intermittent weather, it was both a test of waterproof clothing and an excellent day for taking photographs.
PS Geoff says "worth saying there was no cake but chocolate digestives were most welcome"
Saturday, 21 May 2011
What we do on our holidays
Saturday, 14 May 2011
Removing guards at Marsden Golf course
Saturday, 2 April 2011
Last day of the season. Wills O' Nats

A nice end to the season, a morning spent planting 300 trees on the side of Meltham Cop hill behind the Wills O' Nats pub. We were joined by 3 ladies from Slaithwaite Women's Institute, one Linthwaite Scout (James) and Ramsay Bloom. Also, our sponsors for this site Northern Green Networks came along to present us with a trophy and take our picture. Thanks to Brian for organising it all, and Margaret for providing us with bacon sandwiches at the start.
Before we left the site we held a minutes silence for The Society's President, Wilf Proctor, who sadly passed away this week. Wilf joined the Society in 1965, and still regularly came to meetings. He was a lovely man and will be missed.
Saturday, 26 March 2011
To Netherwood with Slaithwaite Band!
Back to Netherwood farm this week, with special guests, members of Slaithwaite Band. We planted 105 Ash and Cherry in the field at the bottom of the clough, and 30 Birch by the track. Plus another 60 Oak and Rowan up in the fields behind the farmhouse. Tree Society regulars were myself, Ann, Heidi, Duncan, Trevor, Peter, Diane, Andrew, and newbie Peter, and two Scouts. Slaithwaite band members were too numerous to mention, but they all worked jolly hard. And all got a badge. Cake was ginger.
Saturday, 19 March 2011
Netherwood beat-up
The happy workers relax. |
Monday, 14 March 2011
Monday morning finishing off
Saturday, 12 March 2011
Pure pleasure planting
Duncan in the foreground, desolate moorland behind (needs more trees that). |
And I need to nip back there sometime and finish planting another 25 or so trees, as I had miscounted stakes/guards/trees.
Saturday, 5 March 2011
Lindley Infants Owls rule!
Tilly looking a bit wet, and lots of Lindley Owls and mums and dads in the background. |
Saturday, 26 February 2011
Scammonden and Golcar Scouts
Golcar Scouts planting an Ash tree |
Thursday, 24 February 2011
We who also work on Thursdays
Saturday, 19 February 2011
What we did on our half term holiday.
Monday, 14 February 2011
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Scammonden. Herons in the trees!
Philip leans on his mattock and admires the winter sky. |
Cath, Heidi and Neil hard at work. Previous planting visible bottom right. |
Saturday, 5 February 2011
Finishing at the rifle range, not with bang but a whimper.
Rifle range sign cheekily augmented with CVTS waymarker |
Saturday, 29 January 2011
Lydgate - sunshine and heavy digging
All the crew, Philip waving in the distance. |
Saturday, 22 January 2011
Scammonden Reservoir
First week of what will be a long term project for us, planting up some fields on the edge of the Reservoir. It is our contribution to a wider project developing the site for public access, benefit and enjoyment. So we started by planting 300 Ash trees and some Hawthorn and Rowan along the edge. Good turnout, with myself, Cath, Philip, Neil, Dave, Duncan, Diane, my mum, Brian, Trevor, Peter, Guy, and two guests, Jack and Josh the Explorer Scouts. We will be back at this site over the next few weeks, planting considerably more trees. This week's cake was chocolate.